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The history of Seattle's efforts in solving homelessness
(1st Iteration)

After learning about the current situation of homelessness in Seattle, and exploring the reasons that create homelessness, I was curious about the landscape of existing efforts in Seattle area. Based on the information online, I created two versions of timeline diagrams, both trying to visualize the important dates for homeless-related organizations and events in Seattle area. 


Both of them adopted the color scheme used in modal infographics.

Displays that exploit the visual potential of time

Critique Feedback

Feedback 1: most of feedbacks about these two visualizations are positive. People find the way of visualizing timeline both intuitive and attractive. 

Feedback 2: these two timelines have different emphasizes: one on duration/ the other on speicific point of time.  A combination of both (hybrid) will be an interesting option to explore further. 

Feedback 3: empty space between 1921 and 1979 could be better used, now it seems to be a little bit unbalanced.


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